I never thought I would have to let go and say, “It is well with my soul,” like the old hymn. I never thought I would have to learn to be okay with the storms in my life.
I prayed for God to take them. I begged Him to change things and make my life better.
Then I learned to accept the struggles. I realized that even in them, God was still good. Even if this life got difficult—and it has—my God has not failed me.
If you have ever lost a loved one, then you know how desperate you can get for them to just get better. You may have begged God to heal them. But if He didn’t, what then?
Many things happen that shake us and make us doubt God’s goodness. We might beg and beg and wonder why He doesn’t seem to hear us.
But He does. He listens. He cares. The things that grieve us, grieve Him too. And He will be there for us always, even when He doesn’t calm the storm.
My God remains good through all of life’s struggles. He never changes, despite all that changes in my life. In every difficult moment, He is there. He takes care of me. He holds my hand and gives me the strength I need, moment by moment. Good times come and go. Storms sometimes feel like they are lasting forever. But no matter what comes my way, I am choosing to trust God to help me through. • Bethany Acker
• We don’t know why painful things happen in our lives, but we do know that Jesus weeps with us. Jesus is God in flesh, and He experienced suffering and hardship. Because He loves us, He died and rose again to make the way to be with us and to one day put an end to suffering, sin, and death forever when He returns. In the meantime, He has given His Holy Spirit to everyone who has put their trust in Him. Through the Holy Spirit, He is with us in the midst of our suffering, feeling our hurts with us and offering us comfort and strength. Find out more on our "Know Jesus" page.
• Have you ever been surprised by a storm in your life? Did you see any glimpses of God’s goodness in the midst of it? What was that like?
• What might it look like to trust God in the middle of a storm?
• Do you have any favorite Bible verses that remind you of how trustworthy God is? If not, consider asking a parent, pastor, youth leader, counselor, or friend to help you find some.
In panic I cried out, “I am cut off from the LORD!” But you heard my cry for mercy and answered my call for help. Psalm 31:22 (NLT)
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