Andrew and Emily host the first edition of Unlocked Connection. It's an expanded edition of Unlocked, opening your heart to God. In the first edition of the program Andrew and Emily point you to God in these times of uncertainty created by the COVID19 scare. Answers aren't easy to come by. But together they wrestle through the sadness of missing the prom or graduation, yet providing ways to cope. Listen to the conversation, then share it with a friend and post your comments on our website or on our Instagram page @unlockeddevo.
I could feel it. The lethal virus that threatened humanity coursed through my veins. My chest tightened, making it difficult to breathe. It would...
Sin can be a scary thing. You don’t have to read the Bible for very long to come across passages where God condemns sin....
1 John 1 is about walking in the light. It talks about following Jesus and confessing our sins to Him. Today, I want us...