READ: PSALMS 36:7; 94:18; 143:8-12; ISAIAH 54:10
Unfailing love...
We sin and sin again. We mess up and try to put the blame on someone or something other than ourselves. We fail to help the hurting. We fail to take our eyes off our own needs and see the needs around us. We don’t do what God calls us to do, but...
Unfailing love...
Our sin separated us from God, but He wanted to draw us near. Our God gave His Son for us. Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself by dying on the cross and rising from the grave so that everyone who puts their trust in Him can be forgiven and adopted into God’s family. Our God wants us to feel loved; He wants us to know that His love is always there. Our God knows that we’ve sinned and that we will sin again, but He loves us anyway. There is no way for us to earn His love; He gives it to us freely.
Unfailing love...
Human love is a gift from God, but only God’s love is unfailing. People will let us down, and those closest to us might even stop loving us. Though we can try our best to love others well, we still fail in one way or another. Human love cannot fill our deepest longings, but God’s love can. He holds us close in His arms and never lets us go (Psalm 27:10; John 10:27-30).
I thank God for His unfailing love. • Emily Acker
• How is God’s love different from human love?
• Can you think of a time you felt loved by God? Consider taking a moment to thank Him for this! If nothing comes to mind, you can ask God to reveal His love to you anytime.
• When we feel like God doesn’t love us, or like we don’t deserve God’s love, how could it be helpful to remember the good news about Jesus? (See our "Know Jesus" page for more about this good news.) What are some ways we could remind each other of God’s unfailing love for us?
Rise up and help us; rescue us because of your unfailing love. Psalm 44:26 (NIV)
Because God physically judges people in the Old Testament, people assume He was angrier back then. But that’s not true. God doesn’t change (James...
In high school, I had a plan for my life, and I didn’t want anything to get in the way. I loved Jesus, but...
READ: ACTS 2:42-47; EPHESIANS 2:13-22; 1 THESSALONIANS 5:11 When God created Adam, He said that people shouldn’t be alone. And so, God created Eve....