
January 11, 2022
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens

Jan 11 2022 |


Show Notes

Filling a basin with water in the upper room, our Lord Jesus Christ washed the feet of His disciples. He then tenderly dried each foot with a towel He had hung around His waist. This included the two feet belonging to Judas. Christ knew Judas would betray Him in a few hours. Still, He washed Judas’s feet, telling His disciples, “And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet†(John
13:14). Christ used the basin and towel to demonstrate His healing, cleansing love for us and to call all of us to demonstrate that love to one another.

The next day, after Christ’s arrest and trial, another man used another basin and towel for a different purpose. In front of a screaming mob, Pontius Pilate used them to try to wash away his responsibility for Christ’s death. To prevent a political uprising, Pilate ordered that Christ be beaten, and then he handed Him over for crucifixion. Pilate allowed people to execute Christ, who he had found not guilty (John 19:1-16).

Two basins. Two towels. Jesus used His to make His disciples clean and renewed, free from the stains of sin. Pontius Pilate used his basin and towel to try to do the same for himself. But it didn’t work. Jesus alone has the power to wash us, to free us of all sin. Only His death and resurrection can make us clean and forgive our wrongdoing. And Jesus offers this forgiveness to each of us freely and lovingly. • Kathy Irey

• Jesus’s love and forgiveness is more powerful than any sin. What needs to be restored and made new in your life today? Consider taking some time to bring this to Jesus in prayer.

• How can you remind those around you of Jesus’s love and forgiveness?

“I [Jesus] have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you.†John 13:15 (NLT)


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