Throughout All of History

September 18, 2023 00:05:03
Throughout All of History
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Throughout All of History

Sep 18 2023 | 00:05:03


Show Notes

READ: PSALM 77:11-12; ROMANS 15:4; 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17

Do you find parts of the Bible boring to read? You’re not alone. The Bible was written by lots of people who were inspired by the Holy Spirit, and these different people lived over a long period of time. The Bible is made up of all kinds of different genres, and it includes complicated historical details and complex spiritual ideas. Sometimes, when we’re reading a part of the Bible that goes into a lot of these details—like ancestry or building instructions or accounts of different battles and political changes—it can be a challenge to find these details interesting. We might struggle to see how things that happened thousands of years ago could apply to our lives at all.

The good news is that the Bible, complete with all its details, is one unified story. It tells us about how humanity fell into sin, how we were separated from God and each other…and the story continues with God stepping in to reconcile us to Himself. Through Jesus, God is calling people to know Him personally, and He is rescuing all of creation from sin and its effects.

So, when you’re reading a part of the Bible that seems pretty dry and uninteresting, remember that the story of the people in those pages is our story too. When we read about people in the Bible, we hear how God helped them and kept His promises to them—even when they sinned—which reminds us that Jesus will do the same for us. Hearing these stories helps us know how great God is and reminds us that we can trust Jesus in every situation. After all, we sin just like the people in the Bible did, but Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave so we could all be brought near to our Creator who loves us dearly.

As we read the Bible, let’s take time to think about each story and rely on the Holy Spirit to help us understand His Word in a deeper way, asking questions like, “How does this passage invite us to think and live as a child of God?” “How does it show us who Jesus is and what He is doing throughout all of history?” As we ponder and question, we can rest in the love of our God, the One who is weaving our lives into His great story. • A. W. Smith

• What are your favorite parts of the Bible? Why? What are your least favorite parts of the Bible? Do you find things that annoy you or make you confused or angry? These feelings are normal, and they can be a sign that you are really trying to work through and understand what the Bible says. You can bring these thoughts and feelings to God in prayer anytime. Additionally, who are trusted Christians in your life you could talk to?

Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled. Romans 15:4b (NLT) 

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