READ: JOHN 10:1-16, 27-30
As a shy stage manager for our high school’s production of Tarzan, I did as I was told. And our assistant director told us to tape the side doors that opened into the aisles so the actors could sneak into the walkways during one scene. Apparently, the monkey costumes made clicking open a door just about impossible.
When I asked the assistant director how to tape the door, she shoved a roll of black electric tape into my hands and said, “Just do it so the actors can open the door without having to click the door handle.”
So, a fellow stage manager and I started taping down the door handle to the knob to make sure it stayed down. Sure, the door opened on its own like it was supposed to, but when the director found us mid-tape, his face harshened to a dark pink.
“What on earth are you doing?” His yell carried in the echoing backstage walls.
“T-taping down the door.” My tongue tripped on a quiver.
“Who told you to do that?”
By now, tears had started to brim. “The assistant director.”
He grabbed the tape out of my hands and jerked his hand to the door. “You’re not supposed to put this tape on metal. The door handle and knob may be stuck together permanently. I was planning to show you the right way to do this tomorrow.” He sighed. “From now on, listen to me, the director, before you make any major decisions.”
Later, it hit me. I often listen to “assistant directors” more than the Director of my life: Jesus. Just like the director in the play knew the right timing and placement of that tape, Jesus knows everything. Even if an assistant director tells me that a lie is the truth, I need to consult and trust the true Director and His Word, the Bible. • Hope Bolinger
• What are some assistant directors in your life that you tend to listen to instead of the Director? How does what they say they line up with what God says in His Word, the Bible?
• The director in today’s reading shared some important truth—but not in a loving way. How is God’s response different when we ask Him for wisdom (James 1:5)?
Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. Psalm 86:11 (NKJV)
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