The Talk

December 11, 2019 00:03:39
The Talk
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Talk

Dec 11 2019 | 00:03:39


Show Notes

READ: MATTHEW 19:4-6; EPHESIANS 5:25-33; HEBREWS 13:4-5

Christians are notoriously bad at talking about sex. We gloss over it, give incomplete information, and usually end the conversation with, “Sex is bad. Don’t do it.” So, on behalf of Christians everywhere, I want to apologize. Sometimes we struggle with awkward subjects. We make the mistake of believing that sex has nothing to do with the gospel. But God’s Word says otherwise.

The Bible is overwhelmingly clear: creation is good, and that means sex is good when it is used as it was created, in its God-given context of marriage (Genesis 1:27, 31; 2:23-25). God created us male and female, and He did that on purpose. Males in their male-ness and females in their female-ness—brought together in the one-man-one-woman-one-lifetime covenant of marriage before God— reflect His image in a unique way that, according to Scripture, points to God’s relationship with us, His church.

You see, sex is a reminder of a covenant that has already been made. It physically acts out the fact that, in marriage, spouses have given their whole selves over to that other person, just like Jesus has given His whole Self over to us. Sex is an act of loving completely, faithfully, and freely, mirroring the way Jesus loves us completely, faithfully, and freely. Sex says, “I give everything I am to you. I will never leave or abandon you. I have made a covenant with you, and I will never break that covenant.” Has Jesus ever said things like that?

Here’s the hard part for you, as people who, I assume, are not yet married: we cannot act out a covenant that we have not made (and that covenant must be made publicly, before God and the church). If we do, we are lying with our bodies. Sex is a good gift from God, and when we misuse this good gift, it is a sin just like any other sin. But, my friends, there is abounding grace in Jesus. Rest in the One who loves you more than anyone, including a future spouse (if that’s what He has planned for you), ever could. • Taylor Eising

• How does the fact that we bear God’s image affect sexuality (lust, pornography, etc.)?

• Who is a trusted Christian in your life you can talk to about questions you have about sex?

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good indeed. Evening came and then morning: the sixth day. Genesis 1:31 (CSB)

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