I struggled to lift my head up to peer into the distance. I was sure it was
close, but I wasn’t sure if I could make it. My battle with the dragon had
left me deeply wounded; I had barely survived the attack. My only hope was
to get to the King’s strong tower for healing and protection.
But I still couldn’t see it. The dark gloom of the day and the smoke from
the battle were clouding my view, making it impossible to see much past my
position. I continued to struggle forward, hoping I was heading in the
right direction, hoping that I would make it before I collapsed and
succumbed to my wounds.
And yet—those wounds? Once I finally began to look at myself, I couldn’t
see any major gashes or bleeding. Some bruising to be sure—I remembered
when thedragon knocked me off my feet, disabled both my sword and shield,
and came in close for the kill. But he didn’t kill! He bent his head toward
my ear, and told me I was pathetic. I was no warrior! No child of the king!
I would die miserable and alone, with no hope of help or rescue—he
whispered into my ear. All of a sudden, I realized the dragon’s words were
all lies.
So that was it! I had not been mortally wounded but poisoned by the lies of
the enemy. The mere recognition of the truth began to clear my head and my
thinking. The sun’s light started to burn the dark fog away, and I could
see the hills before me—and the strong tower of the King! Boldly I moved
forward with every ounce of my remaining strength, and found I had more
life in me than I realized. The tower guards saw me approach and ran to
help me make it to the gates. I was able to cry out triumphantly the name
of my God and my King: “For El Shaddai! In the name of the King—my strong
tower!” • Laura N. Sweet
• Jesus said the devil is the father of lies (John 8:44). In Revelation
12:7-17, the devil is described as a dragon who accuses those who belong to
Jesus. But because Jesus died and rose again, we can be freed from all the
devil’s lies and accusations (Romans 8:1, 31-39). And we can look forward
to the day Jesus will put an end to the devil’s tyranny, and we will live
with God forever, free from all pain and deception (Revelation 20:10;
21:1-5). In the meantime, how can spending time in God’s Word help us
recognize lies and draw near to Jesus?
• One of God’s names in the Bible is El Shaddai, which is often translated
“God Almighty” (Exodus 6:2-3). What does God say is true about us, His
people? (Read Ephesians 1:3-14.)
For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. Psalm 61:3
Read Verses:
Going out to look for one sheep when there are a number of others in need of care seems a little crazy. What if...
When you feel like you don't measure up Jesus is enough. When you feel like no one sees you Jesus is enough. When you...
READ: GENESIS 16:1-13; PSALM 139; HEBREWS 13:5 If there was a list of all the people in the Bible who had a reason to...