The Pond

May 03, 2022
The Pond
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Pond

May 03 2022 |


Show Notes

When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them the gift of a peaceful home. He planted the garden in Eden, and Genesis describes the garden as lush and pleasant, filled with trees and watered by a river. And God saw that this place He had created was good. Adam and Eve could rest in the Garden of Eden, knowing the peace of God’s love surrounded them (Genesis 2:8-15).

But when Adam and Eve disobeyed their Creator, their world got messy. Pain and suffering and death entered the scene. God banished Adam and Eve from the garden, but He never stopped loving them. Even after they became His enemies, God cared for their needs by making clothing for them (Genesis 3:21-24). Through the generations, God kept calling His people to return to Him.

Today, we live in a messy world. When we listen to the news or watch people tear each other apart on social media, feelings of unrest can quickly take over our hearts. Fear and anxiety can rule our days. We try to take control, but we end up hurting ourselves instead. And peace? That can feel about as far away as possible. This is no Garden of Eden.

But no matter what bad things happen, God is here. His promise to His people is that His presence goes with us. He gives us rest. We don’t have to be in the Garden of Eden to experience the power of God’s love. We don’t have to be in the garden to know His perfect peace, because Jesus, the Prince of Peace, came into our broken world. He said, “Come to me…and I will give you rest†(Matthew 11:28).

In Psalm 46:10, God says, “Be still, and know that I am God.†As Christians, we can be still because the Holy Spirit helps us slow down our thoughts, our worries, and our need to control our situations. We can trust that God is with us always. Redemption is here. Jesus invites us to rest in His love. All we have to do is accept His invitation. • Becca Wierwille

• Our world is messy. What sorts of things in your life bring you feelings of fear or anxiety? How might God be inviting you to rest in His love today?

• When you are having a hard time being still, who is a trusted Christian in your life who you can be honest with? If you know someone who is struggling, how could you listen with compassion and pray for them?

The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.†Exodus 33:14 (NIV)


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