The Greatest Story Ever Told

July 01, 2020
The Greatest Story Ever Told
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Greatest Story Ever Told

Jul 01 2020 |


Show Notes

Have you ever read a book or watched a movie and been completely blown away? A story with characters who face the same struggles as you, a hero you can cheer for, and a rescue story that leaves you breathless from start to finish? Sometimes we find it hard to see the Bible the way we see any other story and lose sight that it has all the elements of the stories we love: action, romance, poetry, thought-provoking speeches, and inspiring quotes. But here’s the amazing part: the Bible is one, real storyall about Jesus. The Bible starts its true story at the very beginning, setting up the scene. Creation: a perfect world. But then conflict arises. We rebel against God, and the story takes a bad turn. But the moment that happens, a hero is promised, with an incredible rescue plan from the startacross generations and never giving up. Jesus, fully God and fully human, is that perfect hero. In the climax, He faces evil by dying on the cross, and, when we think our hope is lost, He has ultimate victory against all odds by rising from the grave, ascending to heaven as the true King, and promising to continue the work He started and to finish it when He returns. But, even though we are still living in unresolved conflict todaystill struggling with sin and the brokenness it causeswe are living in the declining action. In plot terms, that means the end is written. It means we know who comes out victorious in the end: Jesus will return to execute justice and make all things new (John 5:24-27; 2 Timothy 4:1; Revelation 21:1-5). The best part: the Bible is a true story, and in Christ, we’re an important part of it. If your trust is in Jesus, you are a part of God’s final, eternal victory too. So when life seems boring, pointless, or difficult, you can trust God is writing something beautifulworking His good kingdom purposes through everything you face (Romans 8:28-30). Abby Ciona Have you ever struggled to see the Bible as an amazing story? Why or why not? To learn more about the true story of the Bibleand how you can be a part of itcheck out our “Know Jesus” page. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. John 20:31 (NIV)

Read Verses:

Psalm 78:1-4; John 1:1-14

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