The Fifth Commandment: Lifelong Honor

February 19, 2021
The Fifth Commandment: Lifelong Honor
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Fifth Commandment: Lifelong Honor

Feb 19 2021 |


Show Notes

Death is a horrible thing. It entered into the world with sin, which invaded the goodness God created and broke the unity between humans and God. So it makes sense that God commands His people not to commit murder.

Murder is so heinous because each human has measureless value as one of God’s image-bearers. To murder someone is to destroy one of God’s representatives here on earth.

But, in Jesus, we see the command not to murder is as much about the motives of our hearts as it is about our actions. Not only does God hate death; He hates the death of a relationship. He hates it when we hate each other.

As Christians, we are all unified in God’s Spirit. The love we choose to have for each other reflects the love God has for us, so we are called to treat each other with kindness—as members of the same team working together to further God’s kingdom. Any hate that breaks down that unity is murder.

But what does it mean to treat each other with kindness? I would like to point out that being kind and being nice are two different things. Being “nice†is more shallow, and mostly comes from a desire to avoid shaking things up. Niceness can be a mask that covers up the true hatred in our hearts. Kindness, on the other hand, is willing to have very not-nice conversations for the sake of healing a relationship. Kindness is motivated by the unifying love Jesus showed for us on the cross—the willingness to do absolutely anything to be united to His people.

When we love each other, we get a glimpse of the ultimate unity Jesus will bring when He returns to make all things new—free of hate and death forever. • Taylor Eising

• There are times when, in cases of deep hurt, we need to put up boundaries. Boundaries are not hate—they are a kind of love. They prevent further sin and hurt from being done. What are some situations where you might need to put up boundaries?

• Anger and hatred are two different things. When you are angry at someone, how can Jesus help you express your hurt kindly and lovingly?

• What are some relationships you want to work on healing? Pray for God to bring about unity and love in those relationships.

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Deuteronomy 5:16; Ephesians 6:1-4

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