The Best Choice

May 01, 2023
The Best Choice
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Best Choice

May 01 2023 |


Show Notes

I struggle with making decisions. I have some perfectionistic tendencies, so I spend too much time thinking about choices that don’t matter much in the long run. And in the past, I’ve let myself sit in these decisions for far too long, going back and forth and seeking out every expert, trying to pick the absolute right thing. .But one thing God has been teaching me lately is that when we make the best choice of all, the other parts of our lives tend to fall into place. And even if they don’t, it’s okay. Because after we make the best choice, we can know that we are never alone..When someone becomes a Christian, they begin a relationship with God through Jesus. God is showing me that when I choose to trust Him, He gives me peace. When I surrender my control to Him, He gives me freedom. And friends, those gifts of peace and freedom change everything. As we lean into relationship with Jesus, He releases us from the burden of perfectionism. He helps us see that we don’t even have the ability to make perfect decisions on our own. When we come to Jesus, He lifts a weight we weren’t ever meant to carry (Matthew 11:28-30)..I love the words of Psalm 118:8-9: “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.” I can’t rely on my own ability to choose. And while advice from others can be valuable, it’s still not the most important thing. What’s most important is to take refuge in the Lord..Let’s seek Him as our refuge today, and may all the other choices just fall into place. • Becca Wierwille.• Because life is complex, there is often more than one good choice in any situation. In Deuteronomy 30:15-20, what does God tell the Israelites to do? In Matthew 22:36-40, what does Jesus say about God’s commands? While none of us can keep God’s commands perfectly—after all, that’s why we need Jesus—how could these verses help us make good decisions? .• As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit living inside us, guiding us and empowering us to follow the Lord in everything we do. God has also given us His Word (the Bible) and community with fellow Christians who can help us discern His guidance. What kinds of decisions are you facing today? What might it look like for you to take refuge in the Lord in these situations? .It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans. Psalm 118:8 (NIV)


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