The Bereans

July 17, 2024 00:05:20
The Bereans
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Bereans

Jul 17 2024 | 00:05:20


Show Notes

READ: PROVERBS 30:5; ACTS 17:1-15

I absolutely love reading about the Berean Jews in the Bible. They show up in Acts 17:11, and in truth, I think this is the only place that mentions them by name. But this one verse is packed with helpful insight on how to live life well.

Paul and Silas were going from town to town preaching the good news of Jesus’s death and resurrection, and they made a quick stop in Berea after a harrowing visit to Thessalonica. Some of the Thessalonians did not respond well to the gospel and even caused riots because they didn’t want to hear Paul and Silas speak any more. But the Berean Jews responded very differently to the message Paul and Silas brought.

First, the Berean Jews received the word Paul preached with eagerness. They were hungry to hear more about God and joyful that someone had brought the message about Jesus! When God’s truth is brought to us, we too can receive joyfully as we learn more about our faith and the God who loves us more than we could ever imagine.

Second, the Bereans examined the Scriptures to see if what Paul and Silas taught them was accurate. This is a habit I hope we all can cultivate more, me especially! In a world where information and opinions are pouring out at us from all directions, we have one solid place we can go for truth: the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God, and it reveals the truth about who Jesus is and who we are. So, when we hear something new about our faith, it is necessary that we check the Word to see if what we are hearing lines up with God’s truth.

When we understand how amazing the gospel is, we can be joyful when we hear it taught, and we can be careful to check new ideas against the truth in the Bible. • Abbi Bloem

• When was the last time you felt eagerness and joy in learning about Jesus?

• Can you think of a time when something felt good to hear, but didn’t line up with God’s truth?

• Examining the Scriptures is a good way to know if what we are hearing lines up with God’s best for our lives. What steps could you take today to know God’s Word even better?

• Some people in Thessalonica did receive the good news, and later Paul wrote affectionate letters to them. If you want to dig deeper, check out the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians in the Bible.

Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Acts 17:11 (NIV) 

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