The Author of Life (Part 1)

February 25, 2023
The Author of Life (Part 1)
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Author of Life (Part 1)

Feb 25 2023 |


Show Notes

I rose from my bed, thoughts swirling like tornado winds. “Does anyone
really know me? What is the purpose of my life?” Resolution filled my veins
like urgent flames. Today I would search and seek until I found the answers
I needed.


As I packed a sack of food for my journey, I had the sensation that Someone
was watching me. This was nothing new, for I had felt this watchfulness my
whole life, pushing it from my consciousness as one would shoo a pesky fly.
But today, I allowed the sense to linger. “What if? What if there was
Someone who saw my every movement, knew when I left my home, had an
intimate knowledge of every activity—every thought.”


The sun was just breaking over the horizon, golden light cascading through
the fields. I chose to journey toward the sea; the vastness of its waters
called to me. This Presence, this Someone, surely had no hold on me where
the endless miles of ocean roared.


Traveling over the great sea in my small vessel, I was amazed to feel the
Presence with me still. “Surely the darkness will hide me,” I reasoned as
the velvet night fell, ocean spray misting my hair. No, hours into my
voyage, Someone was still with me.


Amid the pre-dawn light, a small island winked in the distance. I felt
weary from my journey and decided to rest on the shore. As my bare feet
dragged over the grains of sand, a sudden thought sprang up in my
mind: “What if the Presence thought of me every day, hour, minute… What
if these thoughts amounted to more than all these grains of sand?” A gurgle
of a laugh welled up in my throat. It was almost too wonderful to
contemplate—perhaps I was dehydrated. • Savannah Coleman


• Like the character in today’s story, do you ever wonder if there is more
to life? Wonder what is the purpose of your existence?


• In Psalm 139, David wrote about how God has an intimate knowledge of us.
The God who made the universe knows when we wake, where we go throughout
the day, and every thought that enters our minds. How does the knowledge
that God knows everything about you make you feel?


“Am I only a God nearby,” declares the Lord, “and not a God far away? Who
can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?… Do not I fill
heaven and earth?” Jeremiah 23:23-24 (NIV)


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