Supermassive Black Hole

March 29, 2022
Supermassive Black Hole
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Supermassive Black Hole

Mar 29 2022 |


Show Notes

At the beginning of every spring, I get stressed. The long, harsh winter is finally coming to a close. I know the flowers will start blooming soon, and I worry that I’ll miss it. That I’ll miss seeing the crocuses peek up through the grass…before they’re mown over. That I’ll miss seeing the flowering trees full with blossoms… before the next windy or rainy day strips off the petals. I find myself anxiously looking all around me whenever I go outside, desperate not to miss a hint of the beauty I’ve been starved for all winter long. When I do see something alive and growing, I fear I can’t appreciate it enough, can’t take in the vibrance enough. I’m afraid of missing it.

But this past spring, I paid closer attention to this feeling. And I noticed something hopeful. The blossoms stayed on the trees longer than I expected them to. Not only that, but when one kind of flower finished its bloom, another kind would show itself. I’d forgotten—flowers don’t just bloom in spring. Every season has its own kinds of flowers.

Lately I’ve been reminded that God is the giver of all good gifts—and He keeps giving them! If I miss one of His gifts today, I haven’t exhausted His grace. He keeps giving good things, every day! It’s who He is. Goodness just flows and bursts out of Him, like flowers erupting from every nook and cranny of the springtime soil.

If you haven’t guessed already, change isn’t easy for me. But it has been so helpful for me to realize that God brings beauty in the midst of change. In every stage and phase of life, He is generous. He cares about my needs, and not just physical needs like food and clothing, but also my need for beauty and wonder. He knows what my heart needs, and He delights to delight me. He longs to comfort me. To draw me near to Himself and share His good gifts with me.

And God helps me enjoy His gifts. Instead of fretting that I will miss out, I can rest knowing that I am beloved and delighted in by God, the giver of all good gifts. • Hannah Howe

• What good gifts have you noticed God giving you lately? Consider taking a moment to thank Him for one of these!

See what great love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children— and we are! 1 John 3:1a (CSB)


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