Set Me Free

November 07, 2021
Set Me Free
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Set Me Free

Nov 07 2021 |


Show Notes

There are many sad things in this world: death, sickness, and isolation, to name a few. We can all get overwhelmed by this sadness from time to time. When that happens, Psalm 23 can be a source of great comfort. King David, the author of this psalm, begins by stating that because God is our Shepherd, we have everything we need. When we are in difficult times or when people turn against us, we can still have the joy and peace we long for because we can say, “The Lord is my shepherd†(verse 1).

David continues in this psalm by describing how God, the Good Shepherd, satisfies our needs and calms our spirits. Sheep feed on green pastures, and once they have been fed, sheep lie down and rest. Sheep are easily frightened by splashing, running water, so they need quiet waters to drink from. Like a good shepherd, God knows what we need, and He guides us.

Sheep have a habit of wandering off. They need a shepherd who knows where the good pastures are and where the quiet waters await, who can guide them along the right paths. The sheep know they can trust the wise guidance of the shepherd. “For his name’s sake†is God’s seal, His guarantee (verse 3). If you’ve put your trust in Jesus (who is God the Son), you have a loving Shepherd who has promised not only to lead and guide you but also to lay down His life for you (John 10:11).

In verse 4, David writes about a sense of deep, impenetrable darkness. Sorrow or hurt could be your area of darkness. This psalm reassures us that, even in these places, our Good Shepherd is with us, protecting us. And, in verses 5 and 6, we see that we will celebrate our incredible blessings with Him, forever.

When we are overwhelmed by the sadness in this broken world, we can take comfort in knowing that, through Jesus’s death and resurrection, our Good Shepherd has overcome all the sad things in this life, and He will one day stomp them beneath His feet. • Doug Velting

• In what areas of your life are you experiencing sadness right now?

• God cares about our physical needs, and He also cares about our spiritual needs. Jesus, as the bread of life and the source of living water (John 6:25-59; 7:37-39), provides us with refreshment in times of sadness. How might God be inviting you into His refreshment today?

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. Psalms 23:1 (NIV)


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