How do you react when you meet someone with a disability? People with disabilities are often excluded from activities. People make assumptions about them and avoid them. Even in our Christian circles, people with disabilities often feel like they don’t belong or can’t contribute their talents to the church.
Our society can be harsh. Sometimes it says mothers should be allowed to abort babies because they might be born with various disabilities. The world devalues people who seem like too much “work,†need extra help, or don’t contribute to society like others think they should.
Jesus didn’t think this way! He didn’t judge a person’s value by the world’s standards.
All people are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). We live in a broken world, and, until Jesus comes back, that brokenness will affect all of us in different ways (Romans 8:19-24).
Unfortunately, throughout history, people have often viewed those with disabilities as less-than simply because of their disabilities. But Jesus didn’t ignore the people society avoided. He knew everyone needed Him—His love and His message of salvation. In fact, He made a special point to reach out to the marginalized. Anyone who repents from sin and turns to Jesus in faith is an integral part of the church—the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-14).
As Christians, the Holy Spirit empowers us to love like Jesus did. What does this look like? Instead of assuming something about a person with a disability—what they can or can’t do, what their life is like—talk with them!
When someone within the church has a disability, recognize them as a brother or sister in Christ instead of focusing on their disability. You are co-laborers serving together. Get to know each other, talking about ways you can participate in serving the church alongside one another. Listen to their story instead of trying to fix the situation. Pursue friendships, blessing each other and serving God together. • Jessica Kleeberger
• As Christians, how does our shared identity in Christ unify us despite our differences?
• How did Jesus respond to those with disabilities? What are some ways you can personally follow the example set by Jesus in your church and community?
Now may the God who gives endurance and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, according to Christ Jesus. Romans 15:5 (CSB)
Read Verses:
Exodus 4:10-12; John 5:1-8; 9:2-3
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