Serving the God of Life (Part 1)

November 16, 2019 00:04:08
Serving the God of Life (Part 1)
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Serving the God of Life (Part 1)

Nov 16 2019 | 00:04:08


Show Notes

READ: MARK 10:13-16; JOHN 1:1-5

Editor’s Note: Today’s reading addresses abortion.

Our God loves life. Every creature on this planet is alive because of His incredible love. And He calls that life “very good” (Genesis 1:31). The natural consequence of God’s presence in the world is abundant life, but the natural consequence of sin’s presence in the world is death. One example of death in our world is abortion.

The Bible talks about life inside the womb several times. In Genesis 25:21-26, we hear about Jacob and Esau fighting before they are even born. In Luke 1:41, John the Baptist leaps in his mother’s womb when he meets the pre-born Jesus. God also makes it clear He knows and loves us before we are even born (Psalm 139:13-14; Jeremiah 1:5).

Although God loves life, sometimes people feel they have no choice but to abort their baby. Abortion is a heartbreaking decision to make. It comes from feeling alone, helpless, and hopeless. Satan loves to isolate us, insisting that there is no solution to the problems before us, so the only way out is death.

But that is a lie straight from the pit of hell. God, who is in absolute control over life and death, is with us in every circumstance. If He has created a life, however that life was created, He will provide a way to care for it. We are never, ever alone. God is with us, He loves us, and He is lavishing His incredible grace on us.

God loves life so much that He sent Jesus to defeat sin and death. He did that so all life, including ours, could be reconciled to Him in love and peace (Colossians 1:20). One day, He will come back to resurrect all His people from the dead, killing death once and for all (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). In the meantime, celebrate the God of Life. • Taylor Eising

• How can you show God’s love to people who have had or who are considering an abortion?

• How can living as a loving community of believers focused on Jesus make it easier for people with unexpected pregnancies to care for their babies?

He [God] created the earth and everything in it. He gives breath to everyone, life to everyone who walks the earth. Isaiah 42:5 (NLT)

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