Fireheart’s eyes sharpened as she beheld an opalescent creature on the
highest peak of the cliffs, glinting like a thousand diamonds in the sun’s
waning light. As she flew nearer, she noted with surprise that it was a
dragon. Fireheart hovered above, waiting for a warning signal of flames or
the flash of claws, but neither came.
Softly, she landed next to the dragon. In his eyes, she saw her whole
lifetime reflected. The fathomless depths of these emerald irises seemed to
echo all her longing, reveal all her weaknesses, and yet, even as she felt
completely known, somehow she felt completely loved by this shimmering
dragon. It was impossible to tell how old or young he was, for he seemed to
be from another realm entirely.
Surely a dragon this majestic would know of the treasure! Fireheart opened
her mouth and asked, her heart’s desires spilling out, “Do you know where
to find the great treasure? I’ve heard the legends and searched far…but I
cannot find it.” The dragon smiled knowingly, and his expression shook
Fireheart to her core. “Who are you?” she whispered. “It is as though you
have known me all my life, and my very soul feels complete as I stand here
with you.”
The dragon answered in an impossibly beautiful voice, “I am the one you
have been seeking your whole life. Child, I am the treasure. Store up
treasures no longer, for you have found me. Give your jewels and your gold
away, and devote your heart to me. I will fill up all the places in your
soul that are longing. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be.
Fireheart, will you choose me as your treasure?”
Joy welled up in Fireheart’s soul and spilled out of her eyes in the shape
of tears. “Mother said I would know I found the treasure when I felt it in
my heart,” she thought, “and now it burns brighter than a thousand flickers
of flame in my soul!”
“Come, follow me and take hold of the life that is truly life.” • Savannah
• In Mark 10, a wealthy man came to Jesus and asked Him how to inherit
eternal life. How did Jesus respond? According to verse 21, how did Jesus
see this man?
• Have you ever felt like Fireheart, or like the man in Mark 10, who were
desperately searching? What is Jesus’s invitation to us in today’s
passages? (Mark 10:21; 1 Timothy 6:11-12, 17-19)
“…the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When
he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and
bought it.” Matthew 13:45-46 (NIV)
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