Seeing the Face of God

August 07, 2020
Seeing the Face of God
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Seeing the Face of God

Aug 07 2020 |


Show Notes

Editor’s Note: Today’s devotional reading discusses suicide.

Suicide is a very real issue in our world. It’s the result of brokenness in our hearts, minds, and relationships. Satan loves to convince us that we are completely alone and without hope and that the only way out is death.

Dear friends, that is a lie. You are not alone. In today’s reading, we see the psalmist feels completely hopeless and abandoned. They feel like God has left them. These feelings can seem like the truth, and if you’ve felt them before or are feeling them right now, you certainly aren’t the only one. But, in Romans 8, we find the truth: in Christ, nothing, nothing, NOTHING can ever separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:39).

When Satan tries to convince you God is a thousand miles away, you can fight back against his lies with the truth: God is right there with you. He knows your hurts. He feels your pain. He weeps with you. God has no condemnation for you in Christ—because, through faith in what Jesus did on the cross, we find forgiveness for all sin we have ever and will ever commit (Psalm 103:12-13; Romans 8:1; Ephesians 1:7).

If you are having suicidal thoughts, talk to a trusted Christian adult about it right away. Tell them how you feel. Seek biblical counseling. Opening up can be hard, but pray God will give you the words to say and trust Jesus—who lives in you—to give you the strength to say them. You don’t have to suffer alone. God created community for us to share our burdens together and to fight Satan’s lies for one another when we can’t fight for ourselves—so reach out to your church, to your friends, and to other trusted people in your life.

As people made in the image of God, we are made for community because God lives in community; He is not alone but lives in constant relationship as three Persons in one. If God doesn’t live independently, why should we try to? We are not designed to go through hard times on our own.

If you suspect your friend is having suicidal thoughts, tell a trusted Christian adult immediately. They can help you support your friend through this time and direct them to help. In the same way that we aren’t designed to go through hard times by ourselves, we aren’t designed to help others by ourselves.

By leaning on God’s grace and the people He has placed around you, you can begin to heal. These feelings won’t last forever, but Jesus’ love will. And, one day, He will return to make all things new, defeating Satan and destroying death and sin and brokenness permanently. • Taylor Eising

• If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You can also talk with someone via web chat at

• If your situation is potentially life-threatening, call 911 (or the emergency number for your area) or go to the local hospital emergency room right away.

• If you need someone to talk to but are not in need of immediate help, you can set up an appointment for a one-time complimentary phone consultation with a Christian counselor through the Focus on the Family Counseling Service. In the United States, call 1-855-771-HELP (4357) weekdays 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) to set up an appointment. In Canada, book your appointment by calling 1-800-661-9800 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) and ask to speak with the care associate.

• Have you ever felt like the psalmist in today’s reading? What (or who) helped you get through that time?

• Are you feeling like the psalmist right now? How can you bring your pain to God, like the psalmist does? If you feel like you can’t even pray right now, who in your life can help you bring your pain to Him?

• Asking for help is hard. Often, we feel ashamed, like we should be able to handle everything on our own, but that is a lie. How can you combat that lie with the truth of God’s Word (Romans 12:9-16; 1 Corinthians 12:25-27; Galatians 6:2)? In Christ, what are some truths from Scripture you can rest in when you feel overwhelmed by the lies (Romans 8; Ephesians 1:3-14; Philippians 4:4-9; Hebrews 4:14-16)?

No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39 (NLT)


Read Verses:

Genesis 27:41-45; 32:3-6; 33:1-11

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