
May 03, 2020
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens

May 03 2020 |


Show Notes

We waited outside the pole barn on a brisk winter morning to meet our new foster dog.

Cheryl, the head of the animal shelter, brought the little terrier out to us. Nearly furless, the dog cowered at the end of his leash. “Poor thing,†Cheryl said. “He’s spent the last six years in a small pen outside with little human contact. He had so many mats, the groomer had to shave him down to his skin.â€

We named the dog Luigi and went about the challenging job of housetraining him for a future adoptive family. In the first few weeks, the twelve-pound terror dug through the garbage, jumped up on the dinner table, had accidents in the house, and snarled at us.

But as the months went by, Luigi began to scratch at the door to go outside. He laid down on the floor while we ate dinner and even snuggled with us for family movie nights. Then one night, Cheryl called to tell us she’d found a permanent home for Luigi. After a family meeting, we called Cheryl back to tell her we’d decided to adopt him.

But here’s the thing. Sometimes, Luigi still jumped on the table, growled at visitors, pawed through the trash, and escaped into the neighbor’s yard. His many flaws made it clear: we didn’t love Luigi because he was perfect; we loved him because he was ours.

The unconditional love we have for our temperamental rescue pup reminds me of the unconditional love God has for me in Christ. When I snap at my mom or tell a lie, God loves me. When I choose the easy way instead of the right way, God loves me. Even though I rejected Him and chose sin, He reached out in love to save me (Romans 5:8).

Though He loves me no matter what I do, I am also a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). His unwavering faithfulness holds me as He works in my life, causing me to become more like Himself (2 Corinthians 3:18). Jesus’ great love for me also makes me want to be a part of His rescue plan for the world—by showing the love of Christ to others who are flawed, just like me. • Sarah Rollandini

• Name a few people you know who are like Luigi and you—imperfect but loved by God.

• Read John 3:16-21 and 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. How can you show these people Christ’s unconditional love?

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 (NKJV)


Read Verses:

Romans 8:1-4, 38-39

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