Flames danced atop golden candelabras, reflecting light from crystal goblets. The marble table was laden with exotic fruits, slices of cheese, and steaming mounds of something that filled the room with a heavenly, mouth-watering scent. The Master smiled and stretched his arms wide. “It is ready! Invite them in.†The servant bowed his head in joyful eagerness, then rushed out to do his Master’s bidding.
But later, the servant entered his Master’s home, a look of bewilderment etched on his face. The Master looked up with eyes of a knowing sorrow, tinged with anger. The servant spilled out each excuse that had been uttered by those who were graciously invited. “Master, why? Have they not been waiting all their lives and then some for this very banquet? And now, to shun your most bountiful invitation…I do not understand.â€
The Master’s eyes blazed with conviction. “Go! Invite all the people to my banquet!†The servant paused on his way out the door. “Good Master—all?†He replied, “Yes! Invite those who are poor, who cannot walk, who are blind…Search the main and the back roads, leave no stone unturned—I want my house to be full!†The servant’s face split into a wide grin and he bowed low. “As you wish, Master.†He made ready to leave. “And one more thing.†Master’s softened voice compelled the servant to turn around. “Tell them to come as they are.â€
Soon, laughter rang out from the open windows of the Master’s house. If you were to glimpse inside, it might be shocking. Reclining around a table, some dressed in rags, many rather unsavory and broken-looking people enjoyed a banquet with the Master. No matter their status, their dress, their past mistakes, their current physical ailments, their addictions and scars—the Master had invited them in with open arms.
If you were to listen closely, you might hear praise pouring from the servant’s lips. “Ah, yes, my Master! Is he not the most generous and kind? He sees the need and meets it. He looks beyond the outward appearance and focuses on the heart. He cares for those who are sick and downtrodden and opens his arms to those who are poor. He has made a way for all to come in!†• Savannah Coleman
• This story is based on a parable Jesus told in Luke 14 when He was eating at a religious leader’s house and had just healed someone. What sticks out to you in this story (or the parable)?
…the same Lord of all richly blesses all who call on him. Romans 10:12 (CSB)
Read Verses:
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