Put on the New

October 16, 2022
Put on the New
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Put on the New

Oct 16 2022 |


Show Notes

“Put on” is a phrase we use every day. Because on a daily basis, we do the
physical act of putting on clothes and shoes in order to be clothed. Just
as we get clothed physically, we also need to get clothed spiritually. In
Ephesians 4:24, we learn that, in Christ, we put on a new nature. In
Colossians 3, we see that our new nature is being formed into Jesus’s
image, giving us a nature that is after God’s nature. Since our new nature
is likened after God’s holy nature, we reject and turn away from sin,
anything that goes against God or hurts our neighbor. For instance, in
Colossians 3:9-11, we are admonished not to lie to one another because the
new nature we have put on does not lie. It “is being renewed in knowledge
in the image of its Creator” (verse 10), and God does not lie (Numbers
23:19). God is the One who clothes us with His holiness and righteousness.
As soon as we become a Christian, we are given a new “outfit.” In order for
us to put on the new nature, we have to put off the old one. In Christ, we
have the Holy Spirit, empowering us to choose to live in holiness and
righteousness in our words, thoughts, and deeds. God walks alongside us and
gives us grace as we put on the new nature and as we are being formed more
and more into Jesus’s image. • Enid Adah Nyinomujuni • Reread Colossians
3:1-17. What things are not from our new nature in Christ? What things are
from our new nature? • How do Jesus’s death and resurrection give us a new
identity? For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed
yourselves with Christ. Galatians 3:27 (NIV)


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