Kyle hesitated as he came to the doors of the library before opening them
and slipping inside. Book dust wafted in the air, illuminated by golden
shafts of light that poured in from the tall windows. The rotunda of
bookshelves surrounded a wooden desk, where an old woman sat in a wooden
Kyle bit his lip self-consciously as the woman smiled at him. “Come here,
child,” she said in a grandmotherly voice. “Step into the light.”
Kyle approached cautiously.
“You’ve come for a book?”
Kyle could only nod. “Reading is the only way I can escape my present
circumstances, the endless consequences of past mistakes,” he thought.
The old woman scurried across the room and plucked a blue book off the
shelf. The gold letters of the title lit up softly in the radiant
surroundings: Kyle Meyers. “What?” Confusion filled his mind.
“Go ahead.” The woman smiled. “Open it.”
Kyle grasped the book and flicked through the pages. Memories of joy
and sorrow—of each moment of his life—danced across the pages. The day he
lost his first tooth… the birthday spent at the beach… the first band
recital… then—
“No!” he sobbed as he saw pictures of the moment he had regretted for
years. He reached to tear it out, but the woman laid a gentle hand on his
“Keep going,” she whispered. Painfully, Kyle continued through the memories
till he came to a page that reflected his own face.
“The past mistakes and sins that plague us can be fuel used for regret and
shame,” the woman said, “or they can be used to show how much God can
change us! He will use those chapters of your life. And Jesus will walk
with you every step of the way.”
Kyle’s eyes filled with tears.
“Let the Great Author take those pages and use them for something better
than you could imagine!”
Kyle looked back at the page and watched the tear stains on his face glow,
then dissipate. As he closed his eyes, a smile of relief crossed his
face. “Take these pages,” he prayed as he held up the book. “They’re all
yours, Lord.” • Lily Walsh
• Even though our sin might have lasting consequences, God is so good that
He works good out of even our worst moments (Romans 8:28). How can this
change the way we view our past?
• Have you seen God use a mistake from your past to help you or the people
around you? Consider taking a moment to thank Him for this.
• Why is it hopeful to know that God writes the stories of our lives, and
He doesn’t give up on us? (Psalm 139:16; Ephesians 3:20-21; Philippians 1:6)
…looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. Hebrews 12:2a (WEB)
Read Verses:
Lord, I’m so tired. I spend my day moving between grief and anger and apathy and frustration and fear, and I just end up...
What would it mean To love like Jesus, To surrender my will,To let the needs of others overtake my life? What would it meanTo...
Jesus came to this messed-up earth to save us. He wasn’t born to rich people or given a great beginning here on earth. When...