Our Help

February 05, 2022
Our Help
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Our Help

Feb 05 2022 |


Show Notes

Tragedies wrap themselves around my heart
Clinging tighter. Constricting
Squeezing and squeezing
and squeezing until
I can’t move. Can’t breathe. Can’t think

Locked in place by overwhelming hurt
Anger. Grief. Shame. Take your pick
Each one amplifies another
Louder and louder and louder until
I hear nothing. But chaos

People shouting
And oppressing. And killing
And dying. And hurting
Creation screaming

Another voice whispers a Story
An old, old Story
Told a million times in a million ways
The story of brokenness set right
Death turned to life

A King in a cradle
Walked the earth in earth-coated sandals
Creator covered in creation
Crucified. Died. And buried

And, for a moment,
my heart pauses here
Though it knows it’s not the end
Because my heart needs to know
That my King’s heart knows pain
Loneliness. Hopelessness
Death itself

Then the rock rolled
My heart begins to beat again
He walked. The tragedies wince
He smiled. Evil trembles

The Story wraps itself around me
Like a blanket
Covering my hurt
My panic
My fear

It hugs me tight
Encircles me with love
And proclaims
“Tragedy is not the end.
All will be made right.
Chaos will be stilled.
Death reversed.
Hurts healed.
The King is coming.†• Taylor Eising

• What hurts do you see in the world or in your life right now? How can the gospel bring hope to these hurts? (Hint: read what Jesus said in Luke 4:14-21.)

• If you know Jesus, His Holy Spirit lives in you, comforting you and empowering you to follow Him. How might God be giving you opportunities to bring healing to hurting people around you?

• Someday, Jesus will return to get rid of all sin, death, and brokenness forever. How could this sure hope affect the way you live now?

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. Isaiah 61:1 (NLT)


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