We all have them: thoughts or desires that pop into our heads—some
uninvited, others invited. There have been many times when, after such a
thought, I was relieved that it was only in my mind and not flashing in
lights for all to see.
On one occasion, a thought had been plaguing me for several days. I just
wanted to be rid of it. This thought was not helpful and would not further
my relationship with Christ or others. Although I had prayed about it many
times, my heart felt restless. I knew the temptation itself was not sin,
nor had I acted on it, but why would this thought not leave me alone?
That Sunday, my pastor talked about the importance of being real in our
relationships. A few days later, I was having coffee with a close friend.
As we shared the normal and the messy, I felt like God kept prompting me to
share the messiest. But what would my friend think of me?
God reminded me that He sees all of me—including the parts I am most
ashamed of—and His love for me is unshaken. I knew I needed to be open and
honest with my friend, who also loves God. I took a deep breath and said,
“Could I tell you a thought I’ve been having that I know isn’t good? I need
someone to listen and give me some godly wisdom.”
After I told my friend, I felt such freedom. She listened, gave wise
advice, did not judge, and committed to pray for me. I also asked her to
keep me accountable to make sure I did not cross the line into sin. Being
open and honest healed. • Savannah Coleman
⦁ Temptation is not a sin (Hebrews 4:14-16), and neither are intrusive
thoughts, a common mental health struggle that happens when the brain
overfocuses on something that horrifies or disturbs you. When a thought
pops into your head, you are not bound by it. It’s just a thought. It only
becomes sin when it begins to impact how you view and treat God, yourself,
and others. Who are trusted people—such as counselors, friends, parents, or
pastors—you can be open and honest with? How can you be a safe person for
others, someone who will listen without passing judgment and offer to help
shoulder a burden?
Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of
Christ. Galatians 6:2 (CSB)
Read Verses:
READ: 1 SAMUEL 16:1-13; MATTHEW 23:23-39; COLOSSIANS 3:1-17 Appearances aren’t everything. We probably know this in our heads, yet how often do we find...
One of my favorite parts of our family vacations at the beach was boogieboarding. My sister and I picked out boogieboards with colorful designs...
READ: PSALMS 34:15-19; 139:1-12; 1 PETER 5:6-7 God hears when I talk to Him His ears are always open No matter what I have...