Not five days had passed since we began our journey, and already we had seen trouble. My brother and I dragged our tired bodies down the road, our dented swords hanging limply in their scabbards and our stomachs moaning with hunger. I remembered how Supreme Agape told us that we would have troublesmany of themand that the journey would be far from easy. Even so, this particular hardship made me feel so defeated and inexpressibly weary. Ren, my brother, placed his hand on my shoulder and whispered, Nothing can separate, Jayla. It was our code of courage, our call to continue the journey despite everything thrown at us. I must remember. The next day dawned with clear blue skies, and my heart lifted as we continued on our way. Ren was his usual jovial self, making jokes and attempting to bolster my spirits from the troubles we had encountered. I didn’t know then that late in the day it would be my turn to remind and encourage. There was severe famine everywhere, and our reserves of food were gone. Large eyes in the gaunt faces of those we passed haunted us. Ren was already practically a giant for his age, which I teased him about incessantly. But the lack of food was wearing on him most of all, and it broke my heart to see him so weak. So, to cheer him up, I did what he couldn’t do, a wild dance of absolute ridiculousness, and yelled, Nothing can separate! Hungry as Ren was, he laughed at my antics. He must remember. Weeks later, I clung tightly to the cliff high on the Great Mountain. Heights were never my thing, and I honestly felt death would be preferable to continuing upward. Ren’s arm was injured from a prior sword fight, and he was struggling just as much as I was. Through labored breaths, I said, Supreme Agape told us to cross the mountain, but I don’t know if we’re going to make it, Ren. I tried to ignore the clouds swirling around my ankles. Just when we were about to give in to complete despair, a warm, golden light surrounded us. A voiceso pure and beautiful it brought tears to my eyessang over us: Nothing can separate you from my love. I knew His voice. Supreme Agape. We remembered. Savannah Coleman In Greek, the word “agape” means love (the New Testament of the Bible was originally written in Greek). Why do you think Jayla and Ren call God Supreme Agape? (Hint: read 1 John 4:16.) Before Jesus went to the cross, He told His followers, Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world (John 16:33). As Christians, we can trust Jesus to be with us until the day our journey endsand beyondbecause even death cannot separate us from His love. Just as God raised Jesus from the grave, He will raise us all on the last day, and those who put their trust in Jesus will live eternally with Him, free from all suffering and sorrow. How can remembering God’s unstoppable love for us give us hope in the midst of hardships? We were never meant to journey through life alone. Once we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we are part of His family (the church), and fellow Christians are our brothers and sisters. Who has God brought alongside you during this leg of your life journey? How can you encourage each other and remind one another that nothing can separate us from Jesus’s love? (If no one comes to mind, you can ask God to reveal trustworthy companions in His good timing.) And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Romans 8:38a (NLT)
Read Verses:
John 10:27-John 10:30; Romans 8:35-Romans 8:39
Humans are flawed, but God is not. Humans mess up, hurt us, or abandon us, but God never will. Humans pretend to love, run...
Gregory (Grigor Lusavorich), born in the third century AD in Armenia, was raised as a Christian in Caesarea in Cappadocia. After he returned to...
READ: MATTHEW 1:23; 28:20; MARK 6:45-54; EPHESIANS 4:2 As I stood at the lake’s edge, I was observing a genuine SOS moment. A young...