Not Finished Yet

April 21, 2020
Not Finished Yet
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Not Finished Yet

Apr 21 2020 |


Show Notes

Lying on my dorm room floor, I wiped tears from my eyes. Why did I keep doing things I knew grieved the heart of God? Perhaps it was growing up in a strict home? The countless rules just fueled my desire to live a little outside the lines. For me, that looked like a struggle to honor God in my romantic relationships. While I didn’t go all the way with guys, stepping over the line with them offered the thrill I craved. Afterward, though, I felt worse. The Holy Spirit was gently prompting me to flee sin and run into the arms of Jesus instead. Time after time, this happened, and I wrestled and prayed. I felt like I was finally grasping what Paul said in Romans 7:15-24. I was doing what I didn’t want to do, and I kept on doing it. I really felt like I was a prisoner to these desiresthey were battling within me against the Holy Spirit’s leading. “God,” I prayed, “Just let me get caught or in trouble or something! I want this to stop, but I feel so powerless!” The love and grace of Jesus Christ eventually drew me back. I was attempting to fill my cravings for ultimate meaning with something other than Him and that never satisfies. When I trusted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, He gave me freedom from sin’s power. Even though I will wrestle with my old sinful nature until I see Jesus face-to-face, I have His power living inside me. With His help, I can reject sin and be led by the Spirit as I set my mind on His desires (Romans 8:5; Galatians 5:16-18). Now, when Satan throws my failures back in my face, I block his attacks with truth from God’s Word. When Satan whispers, What kind of a follower of God are you? How can you expect to reach others with God’s love when you’re trapped in your own sin? You call this victory? Now, I shout back: God’s not finished with me yet! He began a good work in me, and He will continue it until the day He comes again! (Philippians 1:6). Savannah Coleman What sin struggles do you feel powerless over? You are not alone in this battle! If you are a child of God, you are empowered by the Holy Spirit to choose victory instead of sin. Read Romans 7:25. Our sins and struggles may be great, but God is greater. Who gives us the deliverance we need? Read 1 John 1:92:1. When you do fail, who should you run to? Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

Read Verses:

Romans 7:15-25; Galatians 5:13-25

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