Never Too Broken

November 25, 2022
Never Too Broken
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Never Too Broken

Nov 25 2022 |


Show Notes

“Ugh,” my daughter said in disgust. Whole peppercorns covered Eloise’s
broccoli alfredo and looked like mini meatballs floating on a sea of white
sauce. The culprit: a broken pepper grinder. Lately, our pepper grinder had
been breaking the peppercorns in half instead of grinding them. Now, the
grinder lay in pieces, and I made a mental note to add a new one to the
shopping list.

Eloise set the broken pieces on the counter. I thought about throwing it
all in the trash as I headed out the door to my weekly small group. My
husband was doing the dishes, so I decided to let him deal with it. To my
surprise, the grinder was put back together when I came home. I twisted it
and smiled in delight at the finely
ground pepper on my counter. We didn’t need a new grinder; the old one only
required tightening and some TLC—Tender Loving Care.

What about you? Is there something in your life that seems broken beyond
repair? Has a friendship ended? Has your chance at making the team
evaporated? Have you given up on a dream? Or made a decision you regret?

As humans, we all make mistakes and we all sin. However, we are never out
of God’s reach for His forgiveness, grace, or love. He never looks at what
you’ve done and thinks you’re a lost cause. There is nothing that will make
God stop loving you.

The most magnificent gesture of TLC in all human history is Jesus’s death
on the cross for our sins. Because of His sacrifice, we are never broken
beyond repair. When Jesus rose from the dead, He revealed that God is
greater than every kind of brokenness—even sin and death. If we’ve put our
trust in Jesus, our sins are totally
forgiven, and the Holy Spirit is in us, healing the broken places in our
hearts and transforming us to be more and more like Jesus.

If you feel broken, remember that God is ready to pick you up and put you
back together. When you ask for His forgiveness and guidance, He’ll get you
back on track. With His strength, you can ask others for forgiveness and
work to make amends. With His love, you’re never broken beyond repair. •
Erin Nestico

• Can you think of a time when you felt broken? Is there a broken area in
your life right now?

• Have you ever been hesitant to come to Jesus in your brokenness? How can
remembering His “tender loving care” give us hope to approach Him? (Hebrews

No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all
creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is
revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39 (NLT)


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