The princess sat alone in her tower. There was nothing to hope for anymore, nothing to look forward to. Just day after day of loneliness and longing, serving the dragon who held her captive. As her mind swirled into a sea of despair, she glanced out the window, fully expecting to see the same dark fields and dying trees. But today, something was different. There riding toward her was a prince on a beautiful white horse!
“I’ve come to rescue you!†He yelled.
“But the dragon that guarded my tower…what of it?†the princess called down.
“I have slayed it once and for all! You are no longer its slave. Come out of the tower, and you can live with my Father, the King!â€
“But I don’t know how to get down!†The princess felt fear creeping into her voice.
“Leap! I’ll catch you!†The prince held out His arms.
“But…but I’m scared!†Even as she said it, His presence started eroding her fear.
“You can trust me. I will catch you.†His voice was steady; His gaze didn’t waver.
“But what if you’re not really a prince? What if you’re lying?†she cried, still unsure.
“Princess,†He said gently, “don’t you understand? You don’t have to serve that evil dragon because I have defeated him. My Father loves you, and He wants to adopt you into His family as his very own daughter!â€
The princess thought for a moment as the prince’s words settled in her heart, quieting her doubts. “I am loved,†she whispered. “I don’t have to live here or serve the dragon.†Suddenly, she found herself leaping out of the oppressive tower into freedom and new life. • Lily Walsh
• In this story, the prince represents Jesus and the princess represents us. How did Jesus defeat Satan to save us? (Check out our “Know Jesus” page.)
• Is there anything keeping you from receiving what Jesus has already done for you? Who are trusted Christians in your life you can go to with any questions you may have? (Jude 1:22)
For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins. Colossians 1:13-14 (NLT)
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