“Bye!†I called. Then, as my parents walked down the hall to leave, I ducked into the college dorm room where I would live for the next five days.
At the end of seventh grade, I tried out for drum major of my middle school marching band. After our band director chose me for that position, I received a brochure in the mail. It advertised a weeklong summer band camp at a nearby university.
I begged my parents for permission to attend. They agreed. Even though I would be the only student from my school at this camp, I didn’t feel nervous about being on my own. I knew I could count on having a roommate.
But when I arrived, I discovered the roommate assigned to me hadn’t shown up.
“I’ll be alone all week!” I thought.
As I sat in the bare-walled room, I wondered, “If the Lord made me brave enough to come to this camp by myself, would He really abandon me to get through it all alone?”
Later, I walked to the dorm lobby, hoping to find another girl who needed a friend.
Then, I spotted somebody I knew—the drum major for the high school in my town. Laurie had coached me for my tryouts earlier that spring. She introduced me to some girls with her, and they became my band camp friends. I never ate one meal alone that week.
God provided for me that summer. I learned that, if He loved me enough to allow His own Son to die and rise again so I might have life, I could trust Him to always meet my needs.
And if I hadn’t found those girls in the lobby that day? God would still have been with me. Because of Jesus, I am never alone (Matthew 28:20; John 14:16-17). • Allison Wilson Lee
• Name a time when you felt alone. How did God provide for you? Did He bring you a friend—or did you simply rest in His presence?
• Reread today’s Bible passages. How does remembering the Father permitted His Son to die in our place help us trust that He’ll meet all our needs?
Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.†Hebrews 13:5 (NKJV)
Read Verses:
Romans 8:28-39
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