My Shepherd

October 09, 2022
My Shepherd
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
My Shepherd

Oct 09 2022 |


Show Notes

Psalm 23:1 says, “The Lord is my shepherd.” Did you know you can read this
verse many times, and it can reflect something a bit different each time?
This happens if you emphasize a different word each time you read the
verse. When the word “The” is emphasized, it highlights how He is THE Lord.
He is the One and the Only God. He is the Savior of the world. How amazing
is that? When the word “Lord” is emphasized, it indicates that the
omnipotent, all-powerful, all-knowing Lord is our shepherd. The Lord, who
created everything around us, is our shepherd. When the word “is” is
emphasized, notice the present tense of the word. The verse does not read,
“The Lord was my shepherd.” It says, “The Lord is my shepherd.” He is our
Shepherd now. He wasn’t just with David when he wrote this psalm; He is
also with all of us now. When the word “my” is emphasized, it reflects that
the Lord is our personal Shepherd and Savior. He is way above and beyond
our understanding, but He wants a personal relationship with each of us. He
wants us to recognize Him as our personal Shepherd who we can draw close to
and trust to guide us. When the word “shepherd” is emphasized, it reflects
that He not only loves us and guides us but that He also guards us, as a
shepherd guards their flock. Like David killed a bear to protect his flock
of sheep in 1 Samuel 17:34-35, God is powerful and willing to protect us.
Our Shepherd protected us from everlasting death by humbling Himself to
come down to earth as a baby, to grow up and live among us, and to die for
us. Jesus died on a cross and rose from the grave so that each of us can
put our trust in Him and have eternal life instead of eternal death. That
God is our personal Shepherd. • Kimberly Brokish • Read John 10:11. How has
Jesus revealed that He is the Good Shepherd? • Which word in Psalm 23:1,
“The Lord is my shepherd,” sticks out to you the most today? Why? He tends
his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries
them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. Isaiah
40:11 (NIV)


Read Verses:


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