"Oh no, I’ve been bitten!” I cried as my ankles began to itch and burn. Looking down, I saw the culprits scurrying away—tiny ants with the power to inflict pain and leave punctures on my skin. My husband and I were on vacation, and after an amazing—but blisteringly hot—day, we had been grateful for the coolness of the evening. But the ants had ruined it. I desperately wanted to scratch the wounds, but I knew this could cause harm. Instead, I dashed back up to the hotel room and cleaned up the wounds to keep them from getting infected.
In life, we are faced with annoyances, much like the ants on my vacation. These annoyances might be disagreements with our family or friends. Unpleasant memories of past mistakes and hurts can cause inner pain. The problem is, it’s easy to let these painful memories fester. But, much like the ant bites on my legs, if these hurts are left untreated they will continue to itch and burn. When we scratch at bug bites, they can easily get infected. Then they’re even more painful! In the same way, if we let unforgiveness fester, it leads to bitterness and a hard heart.
Thankfully, we have a caring heavenly Father who loves us, listens to us, and is always ready to forgive us and heal our hurts. God loves us so much that, even though our sin broke His heart and separated us from Him, He sent His Son Jesus to fix the broken relationship caused by our sin. Through Jesus’s death and resurrection, He provides the gift of salvation for all who put their trust in Him (John 3:16-18). In Jesus, we can be forgiven, and then we can learn how to give and receive forgiveness. Instead of letting offences fester, we can come to Jesus, confessing what we’ve done wrong and also telling Him about how others have wronged us. Only He has the healing balm of forgiveness that’s needed to change lives—including our own. • Cindy Lee
• Are you currently dwelling on a past hurt caused by someone you trusted? Are you disappointed in yourself for your mistakes? Jesus invites us to talk to Him about all these things. He is eager to remind us that in Him we are fully forgiven, and to help us forgive those who have hurt us. As we rest in His unshakeable love, He helps us walk forward in freedom. Consider taking some time to write down any minor irritations that are bothering you. Then, offer them up to God, thanking Him for empowering you to let go of any bitterness in your heart. And then, get rid of the list. (If you’ve experienced a deep hurt, who is a trusted adult you could talk to about it?)
Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32 (NLT)
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