Maturing in Faith

November 04, 2021
Maturing in Faith
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Maturing in Faith

Nov 04 2021 |


Show Notes

Have you heard the expression “have faithâ€? What does it mean to have faith? One biblical example is a woman whose name we never hear. She is simply called the widow of a prophet. When her husband died, he left behind some debt. In those times, someone in debt often hired out themself or their sons to the creditor until the money was paid back. However, in this widow’s case, the creditor waited until the prophet’s death to get his money back. He had something harsher in mind—instead of taking the widow’s sons as hired servants, he wanted them as slaves.

The widow “cried out†to the prophet Elisha for help. When Elisha asked the widow what she had in her house, she replied she had only a small jar of olive oil. Elisha told the widow to gather as many empty jars as she could from her neighbors and then fill all the jars with oil from the small jar she had. She did exactly as Elisha instructed. She didn’t hesitate or even question how she would be able to fill all those jars. She didn’t ask how this would help her sons. She simply had faith that the Lord spoke through Elisha, and she immediately did as he said.

After all the jars were full, the Bible says the oil stopped flowing. Then the widow went and told Elisha what had happened, and he told her to sell the oil and pay off her debts, and then she and her sons could live on whatever was left. Because this widow acted in faith, her sons were saved from slavery and their debts were paid off. Not only that, but there was also money left over to provide for her and her sons.

God did an amazing miracle that day, and God continues to provide for His people in lots of ways. He even sent Jesus to pay the debt our sins deserved so that we could live with Him forever! As forgiven followers of Jesus, we can come to the Lord for help whenever we’re in trouble, and we can thank Him for His blessings. • Kimberly Brokish

• Why do you think the widow went to Elisha when she was in trouble?

• God blessed the widow beyond what she asked by providing money for her family to live on. Can you think of a time God blessed you beyond what you asked?

Now to him [God] who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us—to him be glory… Ephesians 3:20-21a (CSB)


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