
June 16, 2020
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens

Jun 16 2020 |


Show Notes

Jarrod clung to his steed, spurring it faster. Dust thrown by thundering hooves swarmed behind him. His pursuers closed in. Hair on the back of Jarrod’s neck stood on end. He breathed frantic gasps, gagged on raw fear. Bravo! Jarrod said, pulling off the virtual reality headset and then carefully removing the fiber-optic gloves. It’s perfect, he said to the vendor, Reuben. You were pleased with the Remington? I was. Does it work on all the paintings in the gallery? Reuben nodded. It allows the viewer to experience the very heart of the creation. With greedy eyes, Jarrod studied the masterpiece. It now seemed strangely dull and lifeless. But paired with this new technology Introducing it to museums would make him the envy of the art world. . . . Imagine delighting in Mona Lisa’s smile, indulging in the tranquility of Monet, Reuben said, or exploring Picasso I’ll pass on Picasso, thank you, Jarrod said with a chuckle. Too surreal. Quite so, Reuben agreed. Shall we finish viewing the Western collection? In response, Jarrod pulled the equipment back on. It felt disorienting at first, but he soon became accustomed to the swirl of color and sound. Familiar masterpieces blossomed to life as he strolled, one heart-pounding image bleeding into the next. And then The stench of rotting flesh slammed Jarrod. A horror of a man dressed in filthy rags swallowed his vision. Malice bore into Jarrod’s mind like a thousand stinging maggots. Terror knocked him to his knees. Screaming, he ripped the headset off his head, yanking away the horror in a flash. Reuben crouched beside him. Sir, are you okay? Bile rose in Jarrod’s throat. That artwork it must be removed. The room grew painfully quiet. Finally, Reuben said, I’m afraid you are confused. There is no portrait on this wall. What? Jarrod asked. Legs trembling, he stood. An arrogantly handsome face stared back at him. Reuben was correct. No artwork adorned the wall. Only a mirror. Lori Z. Scott When he looked in the mirror, Jarrod saw the essence of himself. What was he really seeing? How does that relate to you? See Isaiah 64:3-8. Read Jeremiah 17:9, Ezekiel 36:26-27, and Ephesians 2:1-10. If our hearts are sick with sin, who is the One who can make them new? What does it mean to be made new by Jesus? To learn more, check out our “Know Jesus” page. The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? Jeremiah 17:9 (NLT)

Read Verses:

Romans 3:10-18, 23-26

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