As I was out running one day, I realized how often I look down. I found myself watching my shoes, somewhat to keep my footing but mostly because I didn’t want to make eye contact with anyone who might see me.
Sometimes we bury ourselves in distractions to avoid the uncomfortable, the insecurities. Or we focus on our circumstances, looking for some thing or some one to fix what’s wrong in our lives. The answer to all of it? Jesus.
From your feet…in Christ, you are a child of the King, delighted in, chosen, free. Stand tall because you are His.
From your distractions…the device in your hand, the social media scrolling, the texting…look up at the beautiful people He has surrounded you with. Look them in the eyes, show them Christ’s love, and be in regular community with other believers. Look to Jesus to fill your desires, bring peace to your anxious heart, and give you strength for each day.
From your circumstances…like Peter walking on the water to Jesus, when we focus on the wind and waves—the impossible, the struggles—we lose sight of Him. We begin to sink in fear. But, when we take our eyes off of Him, He reaches out His hand to catch us. Even when we fail, He loves us enough to reach for us, not abandon us.
Keep your eyes on Jesus. Look to Him. He is faithful. He is able. And He is worthy.
• What causes you to look down? Fear? Insecurities?
• Why is it important to fix our eyes on Jesus in every situation?
• How does belonging to Jesus allow us to love others—free from fear of what they’ll think of us (1 John 4:18-19)?
Keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12:2 (CSB)
Read Verses:
Isaiah 26:3; Matthew 14:22-33; John 1:12
Breathing deeply, I ran along a dusty ridge at twilight. This strange planet was rocky and laden with traps. My commanding officer had warned...
READ: ISAIAH 41:10; JOHN 14:18; 15:12-15; HEBREWS 13:5 Have people ever let you down so much that you don’t want to get up again?...
READ: PSALMS 23; 46; MATTHEW 10:29-31; EPHESIANS 1:3 Though I walk through darkest valleys In the shadows of my fear I can hold my...