The lights flickered off, and a voice wavered over the intercom as rain began pelting the glass dome above my head. “The Atmospheric Observation Center has upgraded the oncoming macro to a category five. Please make your way to a designated safety location.â€
The Center always rated the storms that raged across the tundra against the likelihood that they would knock out our electrical plant. When that happened, it could take several days for our techs to repair the damage. A category five meant only our most vital, life-sustaining systems would remain activated until the macro passed. All other systems would be shut down, conserving energy just in case.
By the faint glow of the floor lights, I made my way from the food plots to the underground amphitheater where members of our pod would gather to wait out the storm. Everyone congregated there—mechanics, food service, medical, daycare workers. It took people of many skills and abilities working together to maintain life on a hostile planet.
By the time I arrived, many of my neighbors were already clustered around battery-powered lamps and carrying blankets, food packets, and cups of hot chocolate. There was no telling how long the macro might last. It could be a day. It could be a week. People were settling in, preparing for a long haul.
“Micah, come join us!†a man called to me. I recognized Manuel, one of our systems technicians. He carried a guitar and gestured to a group gathered around a board game.
I waved in acknowledgement and entered the queue forming to check out survival kits. Rather than fearing these storms, we chose to think of them as an opportunity to gather with friends, to encourage one another, to laugh, to share, to sing, and sometimes to cry. As frightening as macros could be, the hardships they brought served to remind us we were all in this thing together. • Michelle Isenhoff
• Reread today’s Bible passage. As Christians, we are a part of the family of God, and we are called to take care of one another, as siblings in Christ. How does the example of the early church teach us how to live in community today?
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us work for the good of all, especially for those who belong to the household of faith. Galatians 6:10 (CSB)
Read Verses:
Acts 2:41-47; 6:1-7
A large crowd, an oral presentation, a piano recital, kicking a much-needed field goalthese are just some of the things that can fill us...
READ: PSALMS 27:7-14; 33:20-22 I keep calling out, God Even though I am tired Even though I don’t see You working yet Even though...
READ: 1 SAMUEL 3:1-10; 2 KINGS 5:1-5; 1 CORINTHIANS 12:27; GALATIANS 5:13-14 Do you ever feel too young to do anything important for Jesus?...