Lean on the Promises of God

May 01, 2022
Lean on the Promises of God
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Lean on the Promises of God

May 01 2022 |


Show Notes

We all experience ups and downs, but sometimes, what we are experiencing seems so much harder than what we see others experiencing. Sometimes, we feel like our pain is greater, that our loss is worse. Other times, we might feel like our pain is small compared to others, and we hesitate to acknowledge that we are experiencing feelings of loss. Some will lose their parents when they are young, some will grow old and still have their parents around. Some have a close relationship with their family, some do not.

Whatever you are going through, you might feel like you are alone, but there are people out there who genuinely care about you. There are people out there who will listen to you, have compassion on you, and grieve because of all that you have had to live through. There are people who will help you see God and the way He cares about you.

When life is dark and heavy, we don’t have to deal with things on our own. We have a God who loves us, and He came to earth so that He could be with each one of us. Because Jesus died and rose again, we can draw near to God and receive His healing. He sees our burdens, large and small, and He wants us to give them to Him.

One of the ways God lifts our burdens is through community (Galatians 6:2). As you experience loss and heartache, reach out. Let someone help you through this time. Let someone pray for you when you feel too weak to pray for yourself. Find a trusted adult, such as a counselor, pastor, parent, teacher, or coach, and let them help you push through. Let them help you experience God’s love. Let them help you find hope for your future. • Emily Acker

• We all go through painful experiences, and sometimes, we are tempted to compare our situation with others. Yet God invites us into a different way: receiving His compassion for us and extending this compassion to others. Have you told God about the hurt you are facing? Have you talked to someone who cares about you? If you’re not sure who this might be, you can ask God to help you identify someone in your life who you can be honest with about your struggles.

The Lord is near the brokenhearted; he saves those crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18 (CSB)


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