When was the last time you encountered a difficult person to love? What made that person difficult? And how did you respond to them? When you encounter difficult people, you might wonder, “How in the world can I respond to this person in a way that shows God’s grace?”
God’s grace is beautiful and powerful and the only way we find salvation from sin and death. By being grace-filled, we show others the same love God has shown us on the cross (1 John 4:19). When we respond to our enemies with love—instead of hate or judgment—we demonstrate the good news that God loves us sinners and died to save us. We show that no sin is too big for Jesus to forgive.
We all have people we struggle to love, but God’s grace is big enough for us as we love our enemies—because God’s grace is big enough for our own sins that, at one time, made us God’s enemies (Romans 5:8-10; 2 Corinthians 12:9).
When we interact with difficult people, we can turn to Jesus and ask Him to help us see this person through the lens of God’s grace. May our grace-filled responses to others point to the truth about who Jesus is. He is the Savior who came to dwell with us in “grace and truth,†even when we were His enemies (John 1:14). • Bethany Acker
• When we are dealing with our enemies, why is it important to remember Jesus extended grace to us?
• How have others shown God’s grace to you?
• How have you shown God’s grace to others?
• Showing grace doesn’t mean excusing wrong or illegal behavior. If you’re unsure how to show the love and grace of Jesus to someone—especially if you are in a dangerous situation—who are trusted Christian adults you can reach out to (such as pastors, counselors, parents, or teachers)?
For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, then how much more, having been reconciled, will we be saved by his life. Romans 5:10 (CSB)
Read Verses:
Ephesians 2:8-10
Do you still feel guilty about it? That thing you did. Maybe it happened yesterday, maybe it happened eight years ago. No matter what...
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READ: DEUTERONOMY 31:6; PSALM 94:14; JOHN 14:18 I am adopted from China. From what little I know (and understand), my biological mother abandoned me...