"I AM"

July 13, 2023 00:04:42
"I AM"
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
"I AM"

Jul 13 2023 | 00:04:42


Show Notes

A scorching sun beats down from a red sky, hot sand making my throat and nose raw. I cough wheezily, my chest tight and vision blurry. Hours have passed since I got separated from the caravan, and I am all but spent. My vision spins and I fall to my knees, panting. Slowly, I regain my balance only to stare in surprise at what’s in front of me. A man in a white robe and sandals stands there, smiling gently as he holds out a hand for me to take. With shaking fingers I grasp his hand, standing. “Who are you?” I ask in surprise.

The man merely smiles. “I AM,” he replies, and I blink.

“What? That—” I stutter, completely confused.

“Come,” says the man, and I follow with wobbly legs. After a few minutes there’s a gust of wind, blowing up a wave of sand, and he disappears from my sight.

“Wait!” I cry, my voice cracking. “Don’t leave!” Just as panic begins to overtake me, the sand settles, and the man reappears.

“I’m right here,” he says kindly. “I’m not leaving.” I watch him nervously, not entirely sure he’s being truthful. He beckons me forward, hand reaching out. “Come.”

We begin walking again and make it a ways before I fall to my knees, exhausted. The man stops, watching me with compassion etched on his face. My vision blurs so I shake my head to clear it, only to nearly fall over sideways because my body is so weak. “Help,” I rasp to the man, “I can’t go any farther.” No sooner do I say it than a pair of arms wrap around me, picking me up.

“Rest,” he says with a kindly smile, “I will carry you.”

My eyes droop tiredly and I yawn. “Who are you?” I murmur.

“I AM.”

Oh…I get it. Peace washes over me as my eyes close, and I smile. I AM. Jesus. • Caelin Allred

• What stuck out to you in this allegorical story? In Exodus 3:14, God says His name is “I AM,” which is translated Yahweh or Lord. Jesus revealed that He is I AM, God in human flesh, the promised Messiah-Rescuer (John 4:26). He saves us from sin and death, and He helps us in our weakness.

• Can you think of a time you felt lost? Do you feel lost now? How could it give us hope to know there is always someone out there searching for us? (Luke 15:1-7; John 10:11-18)

“I myself will search for my sheep and look after them…I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness.” Ezekiel 34:11-12 (NIV)

READ: DEUTERONOMY 1:31; PSALM 28:9; ISAIAH 40:11; EZEKIEL 34:11-12

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