“Brenilia, meet me at the oak tree. Love, Emerald.”
Shuddering, I read the words inscribed on a stone outside my cottage. Intrigue takes over. Who is Emerald? What could she want? How long I have lived alone here, I couldn’t say.
Wrapping the warm and comforting cloak around me tightly, I trudge out. The wind blows around me, touching my skin. The cloak becomes heavier, so I tighten my grip, refusing to let go. Weightier, it becomes, as I walk up to meet the island’s visitor. I keep going until I can hardly step another step, almost collapsing as I reach the oak tree, and I see her.
“Brenilia,†Emerald says. “I wasn’t sure you’d make it.†My face prickles with sweat; I am dizzy. I slide to the ground. So heavy…everything is so heavy.
“Brenilia.†The voice is kind. I look up once again. “You have to let go. You have been carrying too much hatred in your heart. That cloak is the cloak of your unforgiveness and still you cling to it. You have to let it go. Forgive others, and forgive yourself.â€
“They hurt me,†I whisper. “My family left me. My friends have gone.†I glance up, and the woman’s dark eyes are so kind. Her clothes gleam golden as sparkling lights shine around her.
“But Brenilia, don’t you remember what Jesus has done? Don’t you remember that His life, His death, was enough? He came so that you could be forgiven— set free, made whole. Jesus doesn’t want you to hurt yourself anymore. He loves you. You don’t need this bitterness anymore. You’ve been living in the wilderness. Now it’s time for a change. He will help you.â€
It’s a struggle to let go of the warm cloak, even though it’s stifling me. Once it was comfortable, but as I let go…I feel the pain, the torture I have carried for so long, release. My tears rain down; I feel the Holy Spirit beginning to heal me, and my heart is lighter. I am finally free from my own hurt and condemnation. • Cindy Lee
• Do you feel weighed down with the burden of unforgiveness? Sometimes we have to ask God to help us release offenses to Him over and over again. He loves to help us and renew our hearts.
For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 (NLT)
Read Verses:
2 Chronicles 7:11-16; Micah 6:6-8; Philippians 2:1-11
READ: ISAIAH 55:8-9; 2 CORINTHIANS 12:7-10 When I was in high school, I struggled with depression and anxiety. A boy broke my heart, none...
If one person has known God for a long time, does that make them somehow superior to someone who has just met God? Does...
READ: 1 PETER 5:6-11 Each small worry can quickly become a big worry. It expands from the place inside of me where a little...