Their opinion meant the world to me. Their acceptance was what I craved. Their attention was what I longed for. I was an outsider with the popular girls. They laughed at me, not with me. They talked about me, not to me. Their rejection was the framework I built my self-worth on. I was nothing to them, so I thought I must be nothing at all. I based my value on others’ opinions and not on God’s.
God is the Creator of everything. Adam and Eve found wholeness and acceptance in God’s eyes as they lived in the garden of Eden. Looks, hairstyles, and their lack of clothing did not concern them. It was only after they went their own way against God—and sin entered the world—that they became aware of their nakedness and attempted to hide from God. Since that time, humans have struggled with self-worth and acceptance. We long to be liked, noticed, appreciated, and deemed worthwhile…and we look to other humans to satisfy this longing.
Jesus didn’t come to earth to be popular and accepted by the world. On the contrary, He was persecuted, despised, and rejected by people (Isaiah 53:3-6). He came because God loves us. Our sin separates us from God, but He longs for us to be close to Him again. He wants to accept us into His family. Jesus’s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead are what allow us to be reconciled to our Holy God. When we put our trust in Jesus to forgive our sins, we become holy and blameless in God’s eyes (Ephesians 5:25-27), and we become part of His people.
Once you are redeemed by Jesus, you are invited to communicate with the Creator of the universe. He is the one who made you—carefully, purposefully. His opinion is what matters. As you grow in relationship with Him, you will find peace in His steadfast love and acceptance. The world may laugh, people may jeer and judge, but the Lord’s Word and His promises stand forever. He loves you with an unending love. You are precious in His sight. And Jesus knew you were worth dying for. • Erin Nestico
• When have you felt like an outsider?
• Have you made others feel like outsiders? God loves you, and He invites you to come to Him, confess your sins, pray for those you’ve hurt, and rely on Him to help you love others.
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. Romans 15:7 (NIV)
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