He Wanted You

March 27, 2023
He Wanted You
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
He Wanted You

Mar 27 2023 |


Show Notes

God’s grace is amazing. He gives us favor even though none of us deserve
it. God’s love is beautiful. None of us are worthy of His great love, but
He loves you so much that He became human to live and die for you.


God is the Creator of the universe and all the things in it (Psalm 24:1).
He made the stars and moon in the sky. He created each planet and
everything on this Earth. He made animals and plants, sky and water, and He
made you.


Whenever you begin to doubt yourself and your worth, remember that God
created you. He wanted you.


When you feel lonely or unloved, remember that God loves you so much that
He was willing to die on the cross for you. He wanted to save you so you
could live with Him forever.


God has amazing grace and an equally amazing love for you. He created the
world and decided to create you too. You can feel confident in who you are
and all you are meant to be when you realize that God made you, He wants
you, and He loves you. •

Bethany Acker


• What is one of your favorite things God has made? Have you ever thought
about how the same God who made this also made you?


• When you feel unloved, how could looking at creation help you remember
that God loves you?


I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made. Your
works are wondrous, and I know this very well. Psalm 139:14 (CSB)


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