I’ve learned a lot about God’s grace from my cat. I know that sounds weird, but hear me out!
When I was in high school, I looked out the window and saw a fluffy gray cat striding through our backyard. After talking with all the neighbors, we concluded that he had no home. So, I made it my mission to give him one!
I began leaving small bowls of food out on the porch for him. I was delighted to see him creep up the steps one day to eat. He came back every day for food, slowly becoming more comfortable with my family. It wasn’t long before he allowed us to pet him.
A few days after that, my mom was cooking dinner in the kitchen, and, when she turned around, he was sitting on the floor staring up at her. He just sneaked right inside the house! I named him Oliver, and he became a permanent resident in our home.
We gave Oliver a home, an identity, and even medication for a nasty ear infection. We embraced our new furry buddy with open arms. What exactly did this homeless cat do to deserve any of it? Absolutely nothing. Does that sound like grace to you? Because it sure does to me!
I was reminded of how God adopts us, giving us a new identity. Without Him, we’re all broken in sin and death. So, He offers us healing from that brokenness (Psalm 147:3; Romans 5:8). In fact, the entire Bible is one enormous story of grace. God showed grace to the nation of Israel, even when they messed up time and time again. Jesus showed us all grace when He came to Earth to die on a cross and rise from the grave to offer us the free gift of salvation!
There is nothing we have done or ever could do to earn such an enormous gift, but Jesus gave Himself for us anyway. And He did it so we could have a family, an identity, and love forever...just like Oliver. Only better! • Emily Tenter
• In what areas can you relate to Oliver the cat?
• What are some examples of ways God has shown grace to you? (To learn more about God’s gift of grace, check out our "Know Jesus" page).
• Without that grace, how do you think your life would be different?
For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—not from works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 (CSB)
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