Have you ever messed up and then felt like you needed to somehow hide from
God? Adam and Eve felt that way in the Garden of Eden. They did something
wrong, and they thought they could make things better by hiding from God.
Not only does God see you even when you are trying to hide, but He loves
you— even after you’ve committed a sin and done something you know you
shouldn’t have done. He already knows it all. There is no need for you to
hide from Him.
We all mess up. When we do wrong, we might feel that we are unworthy and
that God shouldn’t love us after what we’ve done. God always loves us
though, no matter what we do or how badly we fail. God’s love for us isn’t
based on what we have done, but on what He has done.
In Jesus, God came to earth as a human and lived among us. He never sinned,
but He took the weight of all our sin upon Himself when He went to the
cross. He paid the price for our sin with His life, and then He rose from
the dead, triumphant over sin and death! Through Jesus, God has given us
the gift of salvation: He forgives all our sins, saves us from death, and
restores us to relationship with Him.
You don’t have to hide away when you’ve done something wrong. Instead, you
can confess and repent of your sin: turn away from your sin and turn to God
for forgiveness. Because of what Jesus has done, you can be totally
cleansed from sin. And, because the Holy Spirit lives inside Christians,
you can move on and follow God’s good ways, free from shame and guilt.
You are loved with an unconditional love. You are cared for by the One who
created you and really knows you. God’s love will always be a part of your
life. • Emily Acker
• Why do you think, as humans, we try to hide when we do something that we
know is wrong?
• Sometimes it’s hard to believe that God loves us even when we mess up. In
moments like these, who are trusted Christians who can pray with you and
remind you of God’s forgiveness through Jesus? How can you be this kind of
friend to others? (If you want to know more about Jesus’s forgiveness, take
a look at our “Know Jesus” page.)
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet
God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through
Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. Romans 3:23-24
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