God Made You and Loves You

September 19, 2022
God Made You and Loves You
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
God Made You and Loves You

Sep 19 2022 |


Show Notes

If you ever feel left out or mistreated, if people talk about you instead
of talking to you, you are not alone. It can be hard to deal with the pain
of rejection or getting less than what is fair, but it can be comforting to
know that you have a God who designed you, created you in a special way,
and loves you. God knew what He was doing when He made you. He gave you the
hair color and texture you have—the hair others might not like, but God
does. He gave you the smile you have—the one you might feel self-conscious
about, but He loves to see. He gave you your personality—the one others
might tease you for, but He is delighted by. You were designed in a certain
way. You were put on this earth for a certain reason. You are not an
accident or a mistake. We all have days we feel rejected and hurt. God is
there for us on those days. He sees what we’re going through and has
compassion on us. He created us, He made us special, and He loves us. ●
Emily Acker ● What is one thing you like about the way God made you? ● When
it’s difficult to remember that God made you on purpose and He delights in
you, who are trusted Christians in your life who can help you remember? How
can you be this kind of friend to others? ● Jesus knows what it feels like
to be rejected and mistreated. He was betrayed and abandoned by His
friends, insulted by unjust rulers, and mocked by crowds of people who had
sung His praises only days before. Jesus endured all of this…for us. If
we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we can know that God will never reject us,
never mistreat us. How might this truth give you comfort? You have searched
me, Lord, and you know me. Psalm 139:1 (NIV)


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