God Made Me Unique

July 12, 2022
God Made Me Unique
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
God Made Me Unique

Jul 12 2022 |


Show Notes

“Am I fake?” Has this thought ever crossed your mind? You are not alone. When someone decides to become a Christian, they might be surprised to discover they still struggle with sin. Even if they are working hard to follow Jesus and reshape their life choices and patterns, mess-ups inevitably happen. Trials come. The old you may be tempted to join in with thoughts and actions that don’t honor God. But the new you (with Jesus at the center of your life) wants to reject your past and strive to live in God’s good ways. This can feel like an internal battle.

Because the world is broken, we experience hurt every day, and it’s easy to become enraged, bitter, or apathetic. The way we react to these struggles— whether with hatred, a fiery retort, or impatience—can leave a burning question in our heart: “Am I a fraud? Why am I so upset? I’m supposed to be a Christian.”

Don’t despair. This is perfectly normal. The apostles were tempted and had imperfections—think of Peter’s fiery temper and how he cut off Malchus’s ear in John 18:10—and yet they were present with Jesus. We all face temptations, and when we recognize them, we may feel discomfort, but Jesus promises He will never leave us. His Spirit is in us and working to restore us, day by day shaping us to become more like Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:18).

You are not a fake Christian if you lose your temper or say something wrong—you are a human Jesus loves. Even though you are being transformed, following Jesus isn’t easy. Making changes is a lifelong choice that doesn’t happen instantaneously, but you are not alone in the process. You are on a spiritual journey with Jesus. Remember that artwork doesn’t become a masterpiece right away; it happens in stages with a few brushstrokes here and there until a beautiful picture is made. As Christians, we are all God’s masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10).

So keep going. Persevere because through it all you have a heavenly Father who loves you dearly, the Holy Spirit who helps you in your weakness, and Jesus who took all your sins upon Himself when He died on the cross and rose from the dead. If you’ve put your trust in Jesus, you are totally forgiven, and nothing can separate you from His love. • Cindy Lee

• Do you ever feel like a fake or a fraud?

• As Christians, how can we come alongside each other when we sin? (Galatians 6:1-5)

I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Philippians 3:14 (NLT)


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