From Flat to Filled

February 23, 2024 00:05:30
From Flat to Filled
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
From Flat to Filled

Feb 23 2024 | 00:05:30


Show Notes


I gulped. A flat tire? What now?

I’d recently joined a ministry to share the good news of Jesus with others. To take on this role, I needed to raise money for expenses. I talked with lots of people in my hometown about supporting me financially, hoping they would partner with me through their donations and prayers. That evening, I’d set up an appointment to speak to Mr. and Mrs. Peters about my ministry plans. I didn’t know them well, but the conversation at their kitchen table went smoothly. But as they walked me out, I spotted a problem. Although I did have my driver’s license, I didn’t own a car. I’d borrowed my grandfather’s old vehicle to travel to the meeting. Then, right there in the Peters’ driveway, one of the tires had gone flat.

Help, Lord! I thought, swimming in embarrassment. I’d just asked them to contribute money, and now would I be asking for even more help?

Mrs. Peters quickly offered a can of foam tire inflator that would re-inflate the tire enough for me to drive home. Mr. Peters fetched the canister and even took care of applying it to the leaky tire. After thanking them profusely, I drove safely home.

When I noticed the problematic tire that evening, I could think of no solution. But when I couldn’t imagine a way through, God made a way. God cares for His creation, and He assures us we don’t have to give in to fear, because He helps us (Psalm 145:8-21). He invites us to rely on Him for everything, instead of trying to do things in our own strength and wisdom. Since He provided the way for our sins to be forgiven—when we could never accomplish that ourselves—we can trust Him to help us whenever we feel stuck. The same God who died for us and rose from the grave is with us now. He strengthens us. He upholds us—through flat tires, fundraising, and much more. • Allison Wilson Lee

• Are you facing a problem that feels like it has no answer? Consider taking a moment to come to God in prayer and ask for His help.

• One of the primary ways God helps His people, is through His people! Yet sometimes, we feel embarrassed for needing help. Other times, we can easily fall into pride if we think we don’t need to rely on anyone else. How could we remind each other that it’s okay to need help, and in fact it’s good to rely on each other?

For I am the LORD your God…Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13 (NIV) 

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