Following Jesus to the Cross

April 13, 2022
Following Jesus to the Cross
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Following Jesus to the Cross

Apr 13 2022 |


Show Notes

Out of all the animals mentioned in the Bible (and there are over one hundred), sheep are the stars. They are found in the book of Genesis on through to Revelation. They are led by shepherds who go ahead of the sheep, calling them to follow. Their babies are lambs.

In the Old Testament, God instructed the Israelites to sacrifice lambs for the sins of the people. A lamb, with its soft nose and fluffy wool coat, was a picture of purity and holiness. In John 1:29, Jesus is called the Lamb of God by His cousin, John the Baptist. John announced that Jesus is the One who “takes away the sin of the world!â€

But Jesus’s connection to sheep doesn’t stop there. Sheep were part of a herd and were under the constant care of a shepherd who ensured they were fed, watered, and kept safe from harm. They could be hunted by wolves, or become wounded, or fall into rushing water where their wool became so waterlogged, they could drown.

In John 10:14, Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd. He knows each of His sheep by name. That’s you and me. Jesus is both the Lamb of God and the Good Shepherd, all at once. He is both the perfect sacrifice and the perfect caretaker of His flock—the church.

Sometimes, we call people sheep when we think they are blindly following a person or an idea we think is bad. But if we, as trusting sheep, follow only the Good Shepherd and accept the sacrifice of the Lamb of God for the forgiveness of our sins, we are the most blessed flock in the world. Jesus will always shepherd His people in all that is best for us. He calls us by name to follow Him, and He seeks us when we’re lost.

At Easter we celebrate the abundant life the Good Shepherd gives us. We rejoice in the ultimate sacrifice of the beloved Lamb of God, who died on a rugged wooden cross long ago for His precious sheep…and then rose again to lead us into new life. • Susan Sundwall

• What do you like or dislike about being compared to a sheep? Why do you think God says that we are like sheep, and He is the shepherd?

• Is it easier for you to picture Jesus as the Lamb of God or the Good Shepherd? Why is it important that He is both?

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.†John 10:11 (NIV)


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