For a long time, people thought that Earth was the center of our solar
system—until the late 1500s and early 1600s, when scientific advancements
like the telescope proved that the sun is actually the center of our solar
It must have been strange to be living in that time, to grapple with the
new knowledge proving that our Earth isn’t the center of everything. Could
you imagine being alive then? You used to think the Earth was the most
important part of the universe’s happenings, but now you realize we’re just
one tiny planet orbiting the sun. You might feel like an insignificant
speck, like you’re powerless and don’t matter in the vastness of the
But realizing that the universe doesn’t revolve around us is actually a
good thing. Just like how the sun is the center of our solar system (not
Earth), we are not the center of our own lives: Jesus the Son is. The
universe isn’t all about us; it’s all about God’s love and goodness, where
we as humans find our center and purpose: “The heavens proclaim the glory
of God” (Psalm 19:1).
Looking at the sky and the grandness of the universe is humbling: it
reminds us of how small and weak we are as humans, and it points to God’s
awesome power as Creator and King of the universe. Things may seem chaotic
to us, but we can have peace in remembering God is in control. God knows
every star, and He knows us. He made each of us in His image, and He cares
about us so much that He came to rescue us from death (Genesis 1:26-27;
Romans 5:8). Now, He welcomes us into life and purpose in following Him. We
may be small and weak on our own, but when we offer our lives to God in
following Him, He turns our weakness into strength and multiplies our
impact toward His good plan (2 Corinthians 12:10). • Abby Ciona
• Read John 8:12 and 14:27. What is one way Jesus brings us peace and
comfort in a confusing world?
• Where in your life are you tempted to put your own desires first instead
of following Jesus? (Matthew 22:37-40)
• What are some ways you could center your day around Jesus?
When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—the moon and
the stars you set in place—what are mere mortals that you should think
about them, human beings that you should care for them? Psalm 8:3-4 (NLT)
Read Verses:
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